pick & pack

like a pro

pick & Pack like a pro

You are getting ready for your next epic adventure and you need the right pack. Always be sure that you have a pack that is appropriately sized to your back and that can haul enough gear / food for the length of your adventure. While packs can be pricey there are many options for used gear and rentals. It is far worth getting the right bag for you than it is to wing-it and suffer with pain and struggle. You can always pop in to your local REI to get sized, in-person, for a pack, or you can follow the sizing instructions below. Happy trails!


  • BORROWING a pack from a pal (make sure it is in your size!)

  • REI GARAGE SALES are for co-op members only (it only costs $20 to sign up for life!) and they are way worth the effort. You gotta wake up very early to get the best deals as these sales are all first-come-first-served. Check the times and dates of the Garage Sales at your local REI. All the gear sold at these sales are used, however the reasons for returns can range from “customer did not like the color” to “did not function properly”. The point is, you can find a lot of practically new gear that the co-op simply cannot place back on the floor at full price. You can find some amazing deals with gear as cheap as 60% off the original price!

  • REI launched a USED GEAR WEBSITE with major discounts on many things including packs. 

  • The REI OUTLET online has a lot of discounted deals as well.

  • RENTING packs from REI.

Laura Jackman1 Comment